
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

'The Avengers 12.1' Preview Covers Doesn't Entice Me At All

Marvel has another  Avengers comic book available on the shelves right now, especially made for newbies who are just starting to delve into the Marvel Universe and unsure on where to start on reading about their all-time favorite characters like Iron Man, Thor, Spider-Man and Captain America to name a few.

The Avengers 12.1,  written by one of my favorite Marvel writer-artist tandems in  Brian Michael Bendis and  Bryan Hitch, with the latter being memorable for doing such a splendid job on his run on the Ultimates vol 1 and 2. He's the guy with the "photo-realistic art" that made reading the Ultimates like watching/reading a film. And with the influx of comic book film adaptations lately, this looks like a good move by Marvel in getting new readers joining the bandwagon. 

But let me focus on something entirely different here:  I cannot help but wonder what happened to Mr. Hitch while illustrating these covers for his latest project? Take a look:

Wolverine with a beak-like nose? Thor's hammer looking clumsy? Inconsistent and shitty facial expressions? And what's up with their poses? Honestly, this is not enticing me to get this series at all. It doesn't seem like Hitch is on his game here,  but I'll give it a shot and see if Bendis' story could turn it around.

Still... Fuck Wolverine in that 2nd cover. He's like Penguin with the claws. 

[see the full preview on Comics Alliance]

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