
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Regenesis: X-Men To Split After "Schism" Event In November

Marvel has announced that the "X-Men" will be divided into two groups (creatively describing it a "regenesis") as a result of Jason Aaron's "Schism" event - where Cyclops and Wolverine fight over irreconcilable ideological differences - and thus, two different X-books will be released that will pit the two teams against one another, with each group having their own headquarters, agendas, and rosters. 

They are Uncanny X-Men #1 by writer Kieron Gillen and artists Greg Land and Carlos Pacheco and Wolverine and the X-Men #1 by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo.

Here's teaser with the official press release statement courtesy of and some thoughts following after the jump:

Press Release:
After Schism Comes X-MEN: REGENESIS!

New York-June 16, 2011-Marvel is pleased to announce X-Men: ReGenesis, a bold new direction redefining the X-Men franchise! X-Men: ReGenesis kicks off this fall in Uncanny X-Men #1 & Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and its ramifications will send shockwaves throughout every X-Book and the Marvel Universe! Prepare for the X-Men's new dawn as former allies head off in different directions, taking with them your favorite X-Men characters. Following the unforgettable outcome in X-Men: Schism, mutantkind will be asking one another "Who will you follow?" and their answers may surprise you! Never before have there been TWO teams calling themselves the X-Men and never has anyone had to choose a side. Guided by their different ideologies, each leader has their own mission for saving their species, but is only one of them right?

This October, Marvel Architect Jason Aaron and superstar artist Chris Bachalo launch Wolverine And The X-Men #1, assembling a team led by Logan himself with a line-up that nobody will see coming. Then, in November, history is made with Uncanny X-Men #1. From the superstar writer Kieron Gillen and artists Carlos Pacheco & Greg Land, new leadership rises with a renewed, refocused, and re-imagined group of Uncanny mutants.

"Years of X-Men history have been leading to this. X-Men: ReGenesis will affect our entire line leading up to a major conflict coming up in 2012!" said Marvel Editor in Chief, Axel Alonso. "This is just the start of what we have planned for the X-Men. Next summer all eyes will be on mutantkind – we guarantee it!"

Two new teams lead mutantkind into an all new era and will have everyone asking "Who will you follow?" – only in Wolverine & The X-Men #1 and Uncanny X-Men #1!


  1. I was not surprised on this move given the fact that "Schism" will eventually end with Scott and Logan fighting one another (and no one will die, I'm betting on it);

  2. A logical move for Marvel: restarting the whole Uncanny X-Men franchise after deciding to end it with issue #544. This will get rid of the crappy Uncanny storylines lately and will give fans a breath of fresh air;

  3. And in a more logical move:  putting Wolverine as the leader of his own team after so many years. This is Marvel capitalizing on their breakout character and arguably, most popular X-Man. Seeing MORE dollar signs?

But I have to admit, despite the money-hogging tactics, this will still get readers excited and buy these two series. Why? Two words:

Aaron and Bachalo.

That's more than enough for me to check them out.

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